Prep: None / Activity Time: 10-15 Minutes

In the early stages of beginning writing, children may delete, reverse and make letters incorrectly, or even write completely backwards. This improves as your child sees his name in print and is offered opportunities to write his name in fun ways. Help your child create a special name sign for his bedroom door.

  • variety of paper (unlined)
  • variety of writing tools/instruments
  • stickers
  • beads
  • page protector, dry erase marker for “make it easier” section

Step 1:  Give your child unlined paper and colorful markers or crayons.

Step 2: Ask your child to print his name in large letters on the paper. Provide a model of the name if necessary.  

Step 3: As your child prints the letters of his name, acknowledge his attempt at writing by saying the letter names. You might say, “I like how you wrote the letter M!”

Step 4: You can make up a cheer to say as your child writes the letters. For example if your child’s name is Mark, you might say: “Write an M! Write an a!, Write an r! Write a k! What does that spell?  Mark! Hip Hip Hooray!”

Step 5: Provide stickers, colorful scraps of paper or child-safe beads that your child can use to decorate the sign. Post the sign on your child’s door.  


Step 1: To make it easier, use a highlighter to print your child’s name in large letters on the piece of paper.  

Step 2: Ask your child to use a colored marker to trace over his name on the paper.  

Step 3: As your child prints the letters of his name, say the name of each letter.  

Step 4: Say an encouraging cheer as your child writes. You might touch a letter in your child’s name and say: “Write an M! Write an a!, Write an r! Write a k! What does that spell? Mark! Hip Hip Hooray!”

Step 5: Provide stickers, colorful scraps of paper or child-safe beads that your child can use to decorate the sign. Post the sign on your child’s door.  


Step 1:  Ask your child to print his name in large letters on the paper. Provide a model of the name if necessary. As your child prints the letters of his name, ask him to tell you the name of the letter.  

Step 2: To add some challenge, ask your child to think of a message he would like to add to the sign. For example, he might want to add: “Welcome to my room.”

Step 3: You can print the message that your child dictates and then read it back to him, pointing to each word as you read. Post the sign on your child’s door.