Letter knowledge includes recognition and naming of letter names and letter sounds. How can I help? Use the letters in your child’s name to talk about letters of the alphabet. For example, use shaving cream or make instant pudding and place it on a cookie sheet or tray. Encourage your child to form the letters in his Read more…

Letter knowledge includes recognition and naming of letter names and letter sounds. How can I help? Use the letters in your child’s name at first. For example, write your child’s first name in large clear print and then have him or her match magnetic letters to the letters you wrote. As you play the matching game, say the names Read more…

Beginning writing includes fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination for controlling writing tools, understanding that we can show our thoughts through drawing and writing, and writing letters that represent sounds in words. How can I help? Create fun and interesting ways to develop fine motor skills. For example, provide clothespins that your child can squeeze to open or Read more…

Beginning writing includes fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination for controlling writing tools, understanding that we can show our thoughts through drawing and writing, and writing letters that represent sounds in words. How can I help? Create fun and interesting ways to develop fine motor skills and practice letter writing. For example, exercise finger and hand muscles by Read more…

Beginning writing includes fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination for controlling writing tools, understanding that we can show our thoughts through drawing and writing, and writing letters that represent sounds in words. How can I help? Create fun and interesting ways to draw and write. For example, have your child look in a mirror. Encourage him or her to Read more…

Beginning writing includes fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination for controlling writing tools, understanding that we can show our thoughts through drawing and writing, and writing letters that represent sounds in words. How can I help? Create tactile letters to touch and trace. Print a letter from your child’s name in large clear print on a sheet of Read more…

Beginning writing includes fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination for controlling writing tools, understanding that we can show our thoughts through drawing and writing, and writing letters that represent sounds in words. How can I help? Take writing outside. Encourage your child to use sidewalk chalk or paint to paint, draw or write large circles, lines and shapes Read more…

Beginning writing includes fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination for controlling writing tools, understanding that we can show our thoughts through drawing and writing, and writing letters that represent sounds in words. How can I help? Create fun and interesting ways to develop fine motor skills. For example, you might have your child roll clay or dough into Read more…