After a fire destroys their home, a little girl and her family work hard to save enough money to buy a big, comfortable chair. This is a heartwarming story about perseverance in overcoming hardship.

Koala Lou is a young koala who loves to hear her mother say, “Koala Lou, I DO love you!” over and over again. But what happens when her mother gets so busy with her brothers and sisters that she doesn’t have time to tell Koala Lou that she loves her?

Many 5-year-olds can name words that rhyme when asked. Invite your child to show you what he knows about rhyme with this fun game. It will get your child moving and will help him to practice quickly identifying rhyming words.

Once your 5-year old has mastered learning letters and their sounds, he is ready to begin to put those sounds together to build simple words. Before your child can see how the sounds in words come together, he must first be able to hear how sounds come together. This activity brings your child one step closer to becoming a reader.

Being able to identify the various beginning, middle and ending sounds within words is an important next step in your child's reading readiness journey. This version of "I Spy" is the perfect game to play at home or on the go and is a great way to help your child listen for specific sounds within words.

Storytelling is one of the oldest ways of communicating about ideas and events. In this activity, you and your child can practice the tradition of storytelling by creating your own characters and experiences.

The use of positional words is important for your child’s understanding of space and location. This activity gives your child a chance to listen closely to directions and illustrate his understanding of positional words while making a work of art!