This unique fabric book is bursting with arctic animal tails that are waiting to be explored by precious little hands.

One of the first words your baby will understand is her name. Help your baby make important sound connections by providing opportunities for her to hear and see her name.

This activity will not only offer many opportunities for conversations with your baby, but it also will show him at the earliest age that pictures and printed words convey messages that are personal and meaningful.

Experiences with multiple textures can stimulate your baby’s hand muscles. This activity provides baby with touch-and-feel exploration using a variety of textured fabrics.

As early as the third or fourth month, infants are learning to have more control of their bodies. Here are some things you can do to aid your baby in developing her motor skills.

As your newborn grows, he becomes more aware of his environment. Helping him see and feel different shapes as you interact together will lay the foundation for learning letter names and sounds later on.

When you enter into an interactive verbal “dance” with your baby, you show him just how important he is to you.

Infants begin to learn about their world by being involved in interactions. Try treating baby as though he is a turn-taker and have fun conversing with him!

A cranky, crying and sleepy little baby is about to go to bed. To make her feel better, she is showered with kisses and she is finally able to fall peacefully into a deep sleep. Simple text and art offer gentle, fun-filled opportunities for counting, patterns and vocabulary for different body parts.

This book is a great at introducing and teaching emotions while using very little text. It allows for more serve-and-return interactions between you and your baby.