Joint attention is very important for the development of language because it provides the social foundation to support language learning. During this phase of development, infants begin to increase the length of time they share their attention with an adult and a third party or object.

During this phase of oral language development, infants begin to understand that they can share a mental focus for an object with another person. You can foster this important skill by playing with your baby as you are bathing her in the tub!

During this special Teddy Bear Birthday Party, you and your child will communicate using two- and three-word phrases!

In this activity, your child will separate the beginning sound in a word from the rest of the word. This is called onset and rime, a very important pre-reading skill.

The kitchen is full of fun words like mozzarella, zucchini, and rutabaga! Many words seem to have their own rhythm and a beat.

Your child can practice important small motor skills and hand-eye coordination using golf balls and paint.

This activity uses a small plastic toy gorilla or other small toy to give your preschooler practice with prepositions.

Some family restaurants have added fun to the dining experience by putting trivia or question cards at the tables. It’s a great way to get family members thinking and talking. Make your own question cards, and let the fun begin!

The ability to attend to sounds is a part of phonological awareness. In this activity, your child will watch and hear you produce sounds with your hands, feet and voice and repeat what you’ve done.

Toddlers often experience a vocabulary spurt during these months. A toddler who has a vocabulary of about 50 words may add about 50 more words in just a matter of months! You may want to keep a diary of the new words your toddler is using.