You can provide inspiration for creative storytelling by just putting some items into a brown paper bag. The idea of opening up a bag to find surprises inside creates mystery and excitement, while the storytelling involves creativity, oral language skills and humor!

Many 4-year-olds love to imitate experiences they’ve seen in real life, and pretend play is a great way for your child to strengthen creativity and oral language skills. In this activity you'll transform your child into the next great chef!

This activity lets your child have some fine motor fun while reinforcing letter knowledge. Your child will match uppercase to lowercase letters using clothespins and cardboard.

Children at this age love to talk about themselves. Keeping a journal is one way to tap into your child’s world and special interests. Making writing a part of your child’s daily routine builds an important foundation for later writing needed for school.

Create a “Mystery Box” to explore oral language skills, develop vocabulary and just have fun! This activity is easy to assemble and is bound to give you some laughs while developing oral language skills at the same time.

Providing many opportunities for your child to write with a variety of items is the key to promoting the foundation for the love of writing. Just as you read daily with your children, set aside time and dedicated space for your child’s drawing and writing.