Activities and experiences with rhyme and alliteration help children become more sensitive to the sounds of language. In this activity, your child will combine her knowledge of rhyme and beginning sounds to begin to write rhyming words.

As you probably already know, children love to take a turn with cell phones. This activity encourages children to use the camera feature of a cell phone to store their findings from a letter hunt.

An indoor obstacle course can be an oral language adventure zone! This activity provides physical activity and practice in following directions, number words and positional words.

Learning about compound words will help to build your child’s phonological awareness. Here’s a fun activity that uses oral as well as visual clues to help your child succeed.

Some children need many repetitions before they really know letter names and sounds without hesitation. Making activities fun and novel will help children learn without feeling like they are being drilled. In this entertaining activity, your child will use ping-pong balls to reinforce letter knowledge.