This is a charming bedtime story for little ones. A little tiger is afraid to fall asleep. His mother reminds him that he can enter a world of magical dreams when he falls asleep. She assures him that she will be waiting for him when he wakes up.
Before, During and After Reading
Oral Language
Tell your child that the title of the book is Close Your Eyes. Look at the front cover of the book and point out the front of the little tiger. Then flip the book around where the illustration shows the back of the tiger. You might ask your child to stand up and show you his back. Then have him turn around and show you his front.
Oral Language
If you are reading the story as a bedtime story, read it in a soft, soothing voice. You might ask your child if he dreams sometimes and to tell you about his own dreams.
Oral Language
If you are reading the story before bedtime, you might add a special good night ritual. Tell your child “Good night little eyes” as you gently touch and run your finger across his eyes. Continue with saying good night to his eyebrows, his forehead, his cheeks, etc. as you gently run your fingers across each part of his face. He will have a hard time resisting sleep with such a soft, gentle massage!
Explore more recommended children's books and at-home reading activities for three-year-olds, or take the Reading BrightStart! Preschool Reading Screener. The screener can help you determine if your child is on the path to reading readiness, and provides a free plan for moving forward.