A wonderful book with lovely illustrations that make you feel as if you are a cloud floating in the deep blue sky. The predictable text shows Little Cloud changing into something recognizable and then asks the reader for their thoughts.

Your child will enjoy looking and talking about the beautiful photographs in this book. Pictures include the many kinds of homes there are and the people who live in them.

Louie takes us into his Grandfather’s Chinese restaurant for his regular Friday night dinner. This book is a wonderful example of what goes on in the restaurant and behind the scenes.

This interactive book shows an uppercase letter changing its shape into something. Lift the flap and see how that shape has become an animal that begins with that letter! This book is a fun way to expose your child to the uppercase letters of the alphabet.

This book can be used for talking about familiar fruits and seeing new unusual ones. The language is great for focusing on one letter and letter sound and the font size makes it easy to find the letters on the pages.

Your child will be captivated by the photographs of these baby animals and intrigued by the interactive aspect of this book. You can encourage great conversations about new facts learned about these adorable animals.

Activities that strengthen and train the muscles in the hands and fingers are important skills in learning to write. Bringing all five fingers together in order to hold a pencil/crayon takes time and coordination. In this activity, your child will develop her fine motor skills by stringing beads.

Cutting with scissors is a skill that progresses through stages. As your child learns to cut with scissors, this activity will give your child practice with a variety of shapes and textures.

Singing the Alphabet Song is a fun way to expose your child to letters. Make hand washing more fun by singing the Alphabet Song together!

Your child’s name is very special and is a great place to start teaching letters of the alphabet. Your child will enjoy singing the song, the “Letters on the Bus,” while holding an index card with one letter of her name.