Does your child love to experiment and create new things? This activity has the right combination of science, art and math.

Experiences with multiple textures can stimulate your baby’s hand muscles. This activity provides baby with touch-and-feel exploration using a variety of textured fabrics.

When you enter into an interactive verbal “dance” with your baby, you show him just how important he is to you.

Spend time with your infant face-to-face. This helps to teach him that people close to him take pleasure in his communication attempts.

Peekaboo games are lots of fun for your toddler. In addition, these types of interactive activities help your toddler learn to pay attention.

Young infants try to imitate the sounds that adults make. This behavior shows that your baby is already becoming aware of the sounds of language. Play this game with your child to help develop this emerging skill.

By around the fifth month, infants are learning to voluntarily grasp and release objects. Give your baby lots of opportunities to practice improving the fine motor and eye-hand coordination she will need later for drawing and writing.

A fine motor skill milestone for a baby at this age includes working on and developing better muscle strength and control. You can help with this developmental milestone by promoting reaching for and releasing objects.

Reaching, grasping, shaking and dropping a toy aids your child in learning to grasp with all of her fingers at the same time an important fine motor skill needed for eye-hand coordination and eventually for controlling and holding writing tools.

At this age, your baby is likely beginning to babble and produce a variety of sounds. To build on this stage of language development, encourage your child to echo you as you make some of his most commonly produced sounds.