Pudgy: A Puppy to Love
In this adorable story, a puppy and a little girl form a friendship that will last forever. Pudgy teaches about feeling lonely and making lifelong friends with simple text and beautiful illustrations.
In this adorable story, a puppy and a little girl form a friendship that will last forever. Pudgy teaches about feeling lonely and making lifelong friends with simple text and beautiful illustrations.
Babies love to dance and play! This colorful book about silly animals dancing is sure to bring a smile to your toddler’s face.
Help promote your toddler’s interest and future understanding of letter names and letter sounds by making them a part of her everyday experiences. This fun activity takes letter discovery into the water.
Encourage your toddler’s growing independence by giving him a simple task to do. Helping out will give him a feeling of pleasure and power and is a great opportunity for him to describe what he is doing.
Play dough is a great way for your child to develop strength and control in her hands, fingers and wrists. He will certainly give his fine motor muscles a workout as he pounds, pinches and pokes the dough.
You can expose your child to the names of animals as well as the awareness of beginning sounds in words with this alliteration activity.
In this activity, you can introduce your toddler to letters naturally while playing with alphabet blocks. Then, make it even more exciting with opportunities to stack and knock down the blocks.
Aim for the Bowl is a simple, fun activity that will keep your toddler surprisingly entertained while giving him some fine motor practice! You might use this activity to keep your little one occupied while you are busy preparing dinner.
You might be interested in letting your toddler start drawing. Children learn best through modeling, so in this activity, you will tell your toddler a story while you illustrate.
Let your toddler experiment with sorting by color with this simple pom-pom activity.